The holidays are a great time of year to relax and enjoy time with family, but for marketing professionals, it’s also a great time to have some fun with your organic marketing content! The holidays provide a fantastic storyline to use in content creation, and they afford a host of new, creative options for social media engagement. Holidays can be a time for new product launches, special promotions, or special social media posts. Today, we have some tips for how to use the holidays to revamp your social media stories!
25 Days of Christmas
The 25 days of Christmas are a great way to justify (and stick to) daily promotional posts on social media. Utilize the 25 days leading up to Christmas to build a theme for you story posts. Make posts similar to an advent calendar by promoting a new product each day. You could go even further by giving your audience ultra-limited promotion codes and coupons for the product of the day. This a great way to direct engagement and drive purchases! This could also be reworked as a gift guide—use each of the 25 days to highlight products that you think might be good gift ideas!
For those who run service-based companies, the 25 days of Christmas can still be a great marketing tool. Use each day day to promote your services through testimonials, behind-the-scenes content, and examples in action. Highlight a new service, aspect of your business, or client every day to keep your business at the front of your audience’s consciousness!
8 Days of Hanukkah
The 8 days of Hanukkah can be leveraged in similar ways to the 25 days of Christmas. Of course, any of the previous examples can be implemented for the 8 days of Hanukkah instead, but with only 8 days, there are other ways to promote your brand concisely. One strategy to utilze the 8 days of Hanukkah in social media stories is to use each of the 8 days to highlight specifics areas of your company. Use the first day to introduce your brand, the second to introduce yourself, and the third to highlight your top products or services. Use the remaining days to discuss how your products are made or your services are curated, client reviews, and other information specifically relevant to your brand. There’s no limit on what you can promote! Try to incorporate things your audience doesn’t get to hear about often; new information can be especially engaging for audiences!
While holidays and the time leading up to them are a great time (and reason) to innovate your social media stories, it is important to remind everyone that holidays are a special part of the year. Leverage them in your social media campaigns and content efforts, but make sure to do so respectfully!
Utilize these tips to revitalize your stories, and if you’re looking to take your marketing strategy to the next level let’s have a discussion by scheduling a free discovery call. In the meantime, please feel free to connect with me on Facebook and Clubhouse.